Project Proposal
September 2020, Riga
About us
INTEA is a full-scale digital agency that enables blended learning. We are a team of experienced professionals in instructional design, project management, e-learning process management, script writing, visual design and e-learning development.

Founded in 2009 in Riga, Latvia, we deliver first-class e-learning solutions across Europe, primarily in Germany, the Baltic States, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and other.

Everyday INTEA makes learner-centric, flexible and creative way of working to make life of our clients better.
We help large companies to train their employees and get them more motivated and efficient.
  • Approach
    We truly start with why – with your business and learning needs. We choose technology that's best for you and create trainings that work. We create learner-centric approach with rigorous process and organizational needs in mind.
  • Experience
    All our professionals have more than 5 years of legal experiences. They use their knowledge in complex topics working with corporations and NGOs in defferent langueges and formats.
  • Industries
    INTEA has extensive experience working with large companies in various industries including finances, retail, as well as with different learner audiences and IT infrastructures.
    Medical, retail, banking and finance, government, utilities, energy ...
  • Values
    We take care of our client's time.
    We are devoted to learners.
    We believe in the synergy of technology and learning.
    We are your e-learning partner.
Our agency in numbers
years of E-learning development experience.
Customers in more than 10 European countries and the United States.
Experience with localizing E-learning courses into more than 20 languages.
Meet The Team
  • Our Story
    Since launching in 2009 with a team of two, INTEA has grown into the leading e-learning company in the Baltic region. INTEA is still growing and every day is devoted to mastering new technologies and coming up with increasingly better solutions.
  • The Team
    Today we are a team of gorgeous people who work hard to deliver high-quality e-learning to our clients all over Europe. We are creators, connectors, innovators, producers who share INTEA DNA.
  • Philosophy
    Together with our customers we overcome challenges to create their success stories.
    We listen and we hear the different needs our clients have.
    We believe that our work needs to bring joy to us, our clients and learners.

  • Reliable experts
    80% of our customers continue working with us.
Our Capabilities
Experts and Content Authors
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Designers and Developers
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Support and Managers
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Areas of practices
We provide companies and institutions with services in
Our services
We offer assistance for different challenges
E-learning course production
Custom e-learning courses that can range from static slides to highly interactive, gamified courses, as well as ready-made courses.
E-learning process outsourcing
Full-cycle e-learning production – from creating content and design to implementing trainings according to your business needs.
Learning tools and platforms
Choosing the best platform – LMS, scenario-based training tools or tools for in-house e-learning production.
External training expertise – from training audit to implementing and launching your learning strategy.
E-learning course production
Custom e-learning courses that can range from static slides to highly interactive, gamified courses, as well as ready-made courses.
The challenge
You have a specific learning or business need that can be covered by training.

Custom e-learning courses that can range from static slides to highly interactive, gamified courses, as well as ready-made courses.
The solution
Whether you need to spread knowledge quickly, develop skills and competencies or change peoples attitude and behavior, together we arrive at effective e-learning that can range from compliance training and easy-to-use job aids to highly interactive, gamified courses.
Storyline 360, Lectora, Adapt Builder, CrossKnowledge, Mohive, HTML5, Branchtrack, TTKF.

Using a tool that's not on the list? We'll build the necessary skills.
Off-the-shelf trainings
Emotion management, GDPR, basic finance, customer service – we follow market trends and together with experienced specialists we have developed topical off-the-shelf trainings.
E-learning process outsourcing
Full-cycle e-learning production – from creating content and design to implementing trainings according to your business needs.
The challenge
Your organization constantly needs to deliver e-learning trainings, but lacks internal expertise and capacity.
The solution
Together we build a scalable e-learning production process that takes into account the areas where our help is most needed. We formulate the pedagogical, visual and technical standards for e-learning production. Our method is to become your nearshored e-learning department that turns around projects in weeks, not months. Based between Northern Europe and Easter Europe, we follow the Scandinavian e-learning style at competitive prices.
Build a process with us!
Learning tools and platforms
Choosing the best platform – LMS, scenario-based training tools or tools for in-house e-learning production.
The challenge
You need a reliable, scalable way to deliver your training to learners according to your organization needs and specifications.
The solution
Together we decide which tool or platform is the best for your business needs and can meet your training goals. We follow best practices of the industry and offer different Learning Management Systems (LMS), scenario-based training tools and tools for in-house e-learning production.
We use these platforms:
We offer INTEA own platforms miniLMS and nanoLMS for custom training projects.
External training expertise – from training audit to implementing and launching your learning strategy.
The challenge
You need an assistance in building an effective e-learning strategy.
Learning audit
Learning audit. Deep analysis of your organization that helps identify gaps and define training aims.
Learning strategy
Creating learning methods and developing strategy to achieve your business goals.
Choice of tools, platforms, internal communication techniques. Producing a pilot project to start the process of e-learning implementation and to define requirements for future development projects.
Hight Quality
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Good Support
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Individual Approach
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Our Performance
Our Experience (Case study)
Our approach
INTEA content creation and client relation approach is based on partnership with the client. We apply the full-cycle approach, from learning needs analysis and instructional design to production of engaging scripts, visual design and production of e-learning content.
We always put learner in the centre and start with "why" – defining business goals, learning needs and conduct action mapping to create an engaging learning flow and an effective visual design concept.

To achieve it, we conduct an in-depth situation analysis that serves as the basis for the overall program concept, instructional and visual concept as well as selection of e-learning methods and development tools that best solve pedagogical goals.
Adapt and deliver
INTEA focuses on agile project management. It allows us to break large projects down into more manageable tasks, which are tackled in short iterations or sprints. This enables our team to adapt to change quickly and deliver the result fast.
Business Strategy
Some of our clients
With our partners in Scandinavia and Germany:
Client Statements
"INTEA is a professional, reliable partner that focuses on customer needs and provides high quality services. They are flexible and respond fast to comments and suggestions, propose solutions and expertise how to achieve training goals."

Audrius Patackas
Area Manager at Swedbank Academy Baltics
"INTEA has been our reliable e-learning partner for over 8 years now. We highly appreciate INTEA's well-structured production processes and efficient project management that assures on-time deliveries.

Apart from outside-the-box thinking in order to find the best outcome, we enjoy the personal and open relationship with INTEA's people, as well as their cooperation and support in unexpected situations. They understand our mindset, and that makes our collaboration smooth and productive."

Barbara Etienne
Senior Manager E-Learning Content, Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA
Client Case Study
Problem & Goal
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Action Taken
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Problem & Goal
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Action Taken
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Portfolio Details
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Leio
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Marion
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Shifaaz
Photo by Mike
Photo by Jason
Photo by Sven
Photo by Ed
Photo by David
Photo by Hal
Contact us if you need a full portfolio: or
Our understanding
Our understanding
CCX needs and scope of the project
To transform existing training curricula on SME Finance best practices into 4 e-learning modules:

1. Customer Relationship Management
2. Business Analysis
3. Risk Assessment & Credit Approval Process
4. Loan Portfolio Management and Monitoring
Non-homogeneous, different level of experience
Technical specification
Device: Mobile and PC

Language and sound: English, audio required

LMS: to be decided

Focus areas
1. Self-Paced Learning

2. Community Learning

3. Analytics and Monitoring
Mūsu izpratne
VAS vajadzības
VAS ir veiksmīgi nodrošinājusi mācības par LEAN pieeju dažādām valsts iestādēm. No dalībniekiem ir saņemta pozītīva atgriezeniskā saite.
VAS vēlas nepazaudēt uzkrāto pieredzi un, sagaidot turpmāko interesi par šo tēmu, izveidot LEAN e-mācību programmu uz šo klātienes mācību bāzes.
VAS ir izveidojusies veiksmīga sadarbība ar pasniedzējiem, kas varētu palīdzēt transformēt klātienes mācības neklātienes programmās.
Mūsu vīzija (v1)
LEAN e-mācību programma var tik izveidotas divos variantos:
• 100% asinhrona un automatizēta mācību programma
• Asinhrona un automatizēta mācību programma ar pasniedzēju atbalstu.
Baltoties uz pasniedzēju analīzi un piedāvāto struktūru, tiek paredzēts, ka kopējais mācību laiks būtu līdz 10h:
• Teorētisko zināšanu apgūšana (video un/vai interaktīvā veidā) – līdz 5 h,
• Prakstiskie vingrinājumi un uzdevumi – līdz 5 h.
Mūsu vīzija (v2)
LEAN e-mācību programma var tik izveidotas divos variantos:

• 100% asinhrona un automatizēta mācību programma
• Asinhrona un automatizēta mācību programma ar pasniedzēju atbalstu.
Baltoties uz pasniedzēju analīzi un piedāvāto struktūru, tiek paredzēts, ka kopējais mācību laiks būtu līdz 10h:

• Teorētisko zināšanu apgūšana (video un/vai interaktīvā veidā) – līdz 5 h,
• Prakstiskie vingrinājumi un uzdevumi – līdz 5 h.
Mācību metodikas varianti
100% asinhrona un automatizēta mācību programma
Teorētiskās zināšanas tiek pasniegtas ar interaktīvu moduļu palīdzību
Apmācāmie pielieto un nostiprina savas zināšanas, veicot interaktīvus pašpārbaudes uzdevumus ar automatizētu atgriezenisko saiti
Pasniedzējs vai eksperts piedalās e-mācību izveides procesā, bet nav pieejams apmācāmajiem mācību norises laikā
Galvenais risks: apmācāmiem var pietrūkt iespējas konsultēties ar pasniedzēju neskaidrību gadījumā. Šo risku var mazināt, veicot mācību validāciju ar pilotgrupas palīdzību.
Asinhrona un automatizēta mācību programma ar pasniedzēju atbalstu
Teorētiskās zināšanas tiek pasniegtas ar interaktīvu moduļu palīdzību
Apmācāmie pielieto un nostiprina savas zināšanas, veicot interaktīvus pašpārbaudes uzdevumus ar automatizētu atgriezenisko saiti
Pasniedzējs vai eksperts piedalās e-mācību izveides procesā
Pasniedzējs ir pieejams jautājumu uzdošanai un/vai veic gala darbu pārbaudi
Galvenais risks: pasniedzēju pieejamība un izmaksas mācību procesa gaitā.
Our recommendations
Pasniedzēju piedāvātā tiešaistes mācību programma paredz praktiskos uzdevumus, situāciju analīzi un jauniegūto zināšanu piemērošanu ikdienas darbā. Arī VAS pārstāvji ir izteikuši vēlmi padarīt mācības maksimāli vērtīgas gan apmācāmajiem, gan arī visam valsts sektoram kopumā. Proti, tiek sagaidīts, ka LEAN domāšana tiek aktīvi veicināta visā valsts sektorā un ļauj iestādēm pilnveidot iekšējos procesus un pakalpojumus.

INTEA saredz, ka lielāka pievienotā vertība būtu otrajam metodikas variantam. Taču, VAS MPS šobrīd nenodrošina dažas svarīgas funkcijas, kas būtu nepieciešamas šāda "blended" modeļa veiksmīgai realizācijai, piemēram, komunikācijas starp pasniedzējiem un apmācāmajiem tiešsaistes vidē (nodot mājasdarbus, uzdot jautājumus, apmainīties ar viedokļiem un veikt grupas darbus).

Tāpēc esam iekļāvuši atsevišķu izmaksu pozīciju par INTEA piedāvātās platformas izmantošanu, lai nosegtu šīs vajadzības.

The process
Our process
Concept & Kick-off
Storyboard & Prototype
Visual design & multimedia
Development & testing, quality assurance
CCX involvement in the process
Concept & Prototype
CCX prepares and delivers input materials
CCX checks scripts
CCX checks elearning modules
CCX checks elearning modules
Project detail
Project Specification
(objectives, goals, deliverables)
Project Timeline
(Project management and workflow, timeline-stages,...)
Instructional design proposal (v1)
The current training structure is 8 days (at 6 hours per day) long. Our recommendation is to split the expected 4 e-learning modules into smaller topics (up to 20-30 min or smaller) and use different instructional formats to boost engagement – putting real life examples and cases in the center. This will also foster adaptation of the solution by the people that use mobile devices.
Key benefits of the bit-sized approach are:
• Better engagement for learners
• Better retention of concepts
• Better application of the concept on the job
• More suited for mobile learning

The exact structure and number of e-learning modules is decided during the analysis phase.
Instructional design proposal (v2)
The current training structure is 8 days (at 6 hours per day) long. Our recommendation is to split the expected 4 e-learning modules into smaller topics (up to 20-30 min or smaller) and use different instructional formats to boost engagement – putting real life examples and cases in the center. This will also foster adaptation of the solution by the people that use mobile devices.
Key benefits of the bit-sized approach are:
• Better engagement for learners
• Better retention of concepts
• Better application of the concept on the job
• More suited for mobile learning

The exact structure and number of e-learning modules is decided during the analysis phase.
Platform solution
INTEA partners with CrossKnowledge to be able to deliver our learning solutions through a scalable mobile-friendly solution that supports blended and social learning. It covers all three focus areas outlined by CCX in the RFP.
INTEA Learning Consulting Team can both implement and launch a CCX learning portal as well as take on the role of platform day-to-day administration, management and support of the portal.
The current proposal contains standard pricing for a separate CCX platform instance. An alternative solution can be discussed when learning is delivered to CCX learners from INTEA instance, thus, reducing implementation and user license costs.
Maintenance & Services Options
Acceptance of quote
Financial proposal: content development
The number of e-learning modules to be determined during the concept phase.
• Estimate budget can change if scope is increased.
• Audio and translation costs are not included.

Prices/Packages Options
(Basic, Intermediate, Advanced)

Transfer knowledge on

a specific subject


Develop a set of concrete skills

Change, improve or develop new behaviours
Learning time
10 min
20 min
Up to 30 min
Up to 12 screens
Up to 24 screens
Up to 36 screens
Structure client's content and convey it in a pedagogically sound manner to achieve maximum knowledge transfer
Rework the content to create an emersive learning experience: introduce engaging learning elements, create memorable learning journey using storytelling, dialogues, infographics and other techniques
Rework the content to create an emersive learning experience: introduce engaging learning elements, create memorable learning journey using storytelling, dialogues, infographics and other techniques

Create a learning concept with multiple nusiness or learning goals; audience analysis, performance objectives (knowledge, skills or behaviour)

Ensure that the learning goals are met, taking into account learner competence and psychological relatedness
Level of interactivity
Basic interactions (exploration, hotspots, quiz)
Intermediate level depending on the instructional design needs (animations, exploration, hotspots, dialogues, problem-solving, feedback-learning)
Intermediate-to-high level depending on the instructional design needs (animations, exploration, hotspots, dialogues, problem-solving, feedback-learning)
Branching simulation
One branching simulation of a real-life situation (powered by BranchTrack tool)
Up to 3 quiz questions
Up to 7 quiz questions
Up to 10 quiz questions
Level of quizzes
Delivered by client
Simple and intermediate interactions (single, multiple choice, drag and drop, dropdown, ect)
Simple and intermediate interactions (single, multiple choice, drag and drop, dropdown, ect)
Visual identity according to brandbook
Including interface screens
Including interface screens
Including interface screens
Illustrated character
One illustrated character in client's chosen style, 3 chosen postures
Can inculde client's video, formatted to fit, without additional editing
Editing of 1 existing client's video (up to 5 minutes)
Editing client's video
(up to 10 minutes)
As an option
(additional cost)
Clients review
One round
Two rounds
Two rounds
One kick-off call & Email communication
Up to two hours of support calls & Email communication
Calls & Email communication on regular basis

Consulations by INTEA video team
€ 990
€ 1990
€ 3990
Budget Breakdown (table)
Special Offer For You
(cenu salidzinajums)
Izmaksu prognoze
Quote & Sign off
Our Terms & Conditions
Project Completion
Thank you for business
Feel free to contact us
Raivis Freimanis
Founder, CEO
Phone: +371 2914 4239
Contact us:
Office & Legal address:
Zemitana Street 2b-407, Riga, LV-1012, Latvia

Phone: +371 256 738 39
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