Even so, when speaking about the learner of the past, we don’t have to go back in time thousands of years. We are going to look at a learner’s profile at the beginning of the 2010s, as during the last nine years the learning process has undergone a major revolution.
Just think about it: in 2018 more than 600 000 books were published in the US alone, compared to 2.2. million published worldwide in 2014. It would be impossible to read them all, even if you were to stop eating and sleeping!
A marketing person wouldn’t devote much time to learn industry specifics anymore of, let’s say, publishing. She would rather spend time acquiring “soft” skills, such as leadership, body language, or the ability to learn more effectively. These are the skills that will be useful in any company and will never get outdated.
76% of companies with well-developed learning cultures ensure their managers communicate with the teams regularly and provide support when needed. Learning experts emphasize that lack of teamwork and cooperation is one of the 3 main obstacles to employing effective training.